Transportation: the balancing of sustainability and ease


I’ve been car-less for over 5 years now. Despite what many people assume, my licence was not plucked from my shaking hands after a terrible accident nor was it a product of bad financial decisions.

I got rid of my car for a much simpler reason: I wanted to.

My choice to go car-less was one of the first challenges I undertook, as I worked to better align my life with my personal values.   Continue reading

Sharing movement – Do more, own less.


Sharing: a concept that is so heavily reinforced during childhood, and practically forgotten during adulthood. We replace this compassionate mentality so quickly with ego based consumerism, but perhaps our parents were onto something…

Sharing platforms are a growing trend towards owning less yet having the ability to do more. This movement allows you to access the same services at a lower cost, with less environmental impact (material, transport etc) and encourages a much needed shift from disposable products back to high quality.

There are so many amazing sharing platforms available, such as:

New sharing platforms are emerging all the time, such as clothing sharing, construction tool sharing, etc. Some are local initiatives, others are digitally based. I love this concept, not only for the benefits mentioned above, but also for the connection it allows within a community – for the network it builds.

Why not give it a shot? Post your sharing experiences and/or other sharing platforms you enjoy below!


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