Leadership Book Club (2019)


A couple months ago, while curled up leisurely reading in front of a roaring fire, with my bestie at Nordik Spa (here in Ottawa) – an unexpected conversation launched with two other spa-goers inquiring about the books we were reading.

There was laughter. There was insight. It was awesome.

I left feeling more connected, uplifted, and motivated – longing to keep that sort of energy going, I posted on social media about wanting to start a Leadership Book Club.

Unexpectedly, there was lots of interest. As a Book Club newb, I’m still not sure exactly what I have gotten myself into – but I’m buckling up for, what I can only hope will be, the ride of my life.

A list of books was recommended and ranked, with the following lucky titles being the chosen few:

  • Herding Tigers: Be the Leader that creative people need by Todd Henry
  • Dare to Lead by Brene Brown
  • Thank you for being late by Thomas Friedman
  • Never split the difference by Chris Voss

I’ve decided to update the insights gleaned from the books, on this humble little blog so stay tuned – and come join us (digitally or in person) if you’d like – I’d love to hear from you!

<< We will be reading ‘Herding Tigers’ first, with discussion targeted for mid February. I will be posting questions on the blog to discuss (or for you to use in your own group) at the end of January >>

Have you ever participated or led a Book club? What was your experience? Any tips or tricks in terms of getting conversation started or having questions prepared? What are your favorite leadership books? Would love to hear your thoughts below!

**If you enjoyed the content of this post, please consider following my blog, reblogging, and/or sharing on social media (twitter, linkedin, facebook)**

32 thoughts on “Leadership Book Club (2019)

      1. Still working on the process first official book club meet up is the 30th. I’ll let you know how it goes. Using Meetup.com to let people know about it and have some other ideas for other strategies as well. First one will be kind of a welcome though and I want to create a structure around major talking points of the book but not let the outline I create stifle the flow too much. But will be prepared just in case people are kind of shy at first.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Great idea! Exactly – that balance is critical, Ive never been part of a book club so any insights you might have on how it went would be greatly helpful! Good luck on yhe 30th!


  1. I’ve started a leadership book club as well! And the first book was Dare to Lead by Brene Brown! A great book! I think it’s awesome that you’re starting one as well! We should always be continually trying to grow ourselves. There was a saying that a friend from Ghana told me. It translated something like this, “Keep learning as if you would live forever.”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. When I started a book club with my friend, I picked a nonfiction book. Turned out that an interview with a dozen different film directors and what was their favorite movie of all time (and why) gave us a great start. A book that invites different points of view got us started on great conversations.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Looking forward to joining and thanks for following my Mindfulness blog. I like books on positive leadership, such as Bill George’s AUTHENTIC LEADERSHIP and DISCOVER YOUR TRUE NORTH; Jim Dethmer’s 15 COMMITMENTS OF CONSCIOUS LEADERSHIP; Daniel Coyle’s THE CULTURE CODE; Daniel Goleman’s WHAT MAKES A LEADER, EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE and SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE; Jon Gordon’s THE POWER OF POSITIVE LEADERSHIP; THE CONSCIOUS LEADER (Shelley Recimello); BECOMING A CONSCIOUS LEADER (Gina Hayden); ORGANIZATION, CULTURE AND LEADERSHIP (Edgar Schein); COLLABORATIVE LEADERSHIP (Peter DeWitt); and of course John Maxwell (21 IRREFUTABLE LAWS OF LEADERSHIP, DEVELOPING THE LEADER IN YOU, 5 LEVELS OF LEADERSHIP, GOOD LEADERS ASK GREAT QUESTIONS, etc.). Haven’t finished them all, but they are all in my library.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I would sincerely love to participate. I have shared in book clubs where each person in the group chose a book and that person lead the study for that book. What book are you planning to do first? have you already read it? I think these books would really benefit my life. Also, I am quite without that kind of fellowship that brings that feeling of connection, encouragement, and motivation that a book can bring. (I live in a remote village in Eastern Serbia, though I am not lonely.) I would love to follow along with your reads! Best of luck in your educational adventure!! You will do great!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Im so excited that you’ll ne joining in!! Cant wait to hear your thoughts and insights. Were starting with Herding Tigers for February (Ill post some questions on the blog late January to get ideas flowing). Im so thrilled you’ll be joining us!


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